Elementary and junior high-school children and young people directly benefit from our music and nutrition programs in La Huerta, San Agustín, Mesa Rica, and El Manzano.
Uninterrupted years of the community choir
Members of the community choir and 73 guitar players
Completely renovated school cafeterias in the Mesa Rica, La Huerta San Agustín & El Manzano communities
School orchards where agrochemical-free fruits and vegetables are harvested in the various communities.
Currently, the Community Choir and School Breakfast Programs are implemented in the Mesa Rica community, as well as the La Huerta San Agustín Choir, an activity that is complemented with a healthy snack. However, the aim is to broaden the coverage of both programs to La Huerta San Agustín, Potrerillos and El Manzano, and eventually, to other communities.