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Valle La Paz Foundation

The Team



I am in charge of ensuring everything runs smoothly in Valle La Paz Foundation, and obtaining the necessary resources for the development of the music, health nutrition programs, as well as education for peace programs. What I love is to escape to the communities, spend time with the children and see their happy faces when they have breakfast and when they sing. My biggest challenge is to have more and more beneficiaries in rural communities in our country. It’s worth it because there isn’t any better "investment" in the world than seeing children grow up healthier, both physically and emotionally.



I’ve been going up to sing every day with the community choir for 7 years and I love it! What I enjoy most is sharing time with the children and seeing up close their musical learning process inside and outside the classroom, and how it makes them proud. The biggest challenge for me is getting there, but it's worth it because bringing music to where it doesn't normally reach is a guarantee of sowing in fertile soil. If music can change your mood, of course it can change society.



My goal is to improve the nutrition and health of children through healthy nutrition and contact with the origin of their food. I like to see the children happy to receive their hot meals prepared by moms in the community, especially when they get their favorite fruit or dish. My main challenge is to cut down on ultra-processed products and to teach good eating habits at home. It’s important to improve children’s nutrition because it has a systemic impact that will leave a mark on the following generations.

Juan Jorge

Juan Jorge

I coordinate the necessary work to provide the infrastructure required for the execution of the Foundation's programs: kitchen and school dining rooms, music rooms, drinking water, bathrooms and transportation of food and people. I like the children's expressions and attitudes, their looks of joy and amazement, their smiles, their hairstyles... I really like their potential because I don’t like the marginalization and poverty in which they live. Our most important challenge is having more resources to expand the goals of our programs. We have to influence a solid and transcendent development of the children in the communities where we work. Our work becomes valuable when we succeed in broadening children’s horizons and aspirations, when we support and channel their fulfillment.